Combatting Soul Sepsis

The wounds of the heart and soul can take much longer to recover than the occasional flesh wound we incur. Wounds of the soul can be inflicted on us more frequently. Why is that? Flesh wounds occur either by accident or assault. They generally heal in 4 to 6 weeks.  Soul wounds occur from trauma and careless behaviors of other people.  They can last a lifetime.


The danger of soul wounds is that they are invisible to the naked eye. Healing is often delayed because of a lack of treatment.  However, like an infection in the body, if left untreated sepsis can occur. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. It can be fatal.


Sepsis of the soul is when trauma triggers a chain reaction throughout the mind, body, and heart. This chain reaction can be fatal to your mental health, physical health, emotional and spiritual health, relationships, and work, to name a few.  The weapon of choice for soul wounds could be the tongue.  It can also be neglect, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and sexual abuse.


Spiritual sepsis looks like an identity crisis, depression, anxiety, anger, bitterness, rage, addiction, promiscuity, etc., and can filter into physical ailments. Sepsis is a reality but does not have to be your reality if you get help. God, our creator, has given us multiple resources of help. For starters, He gives us scripture to apply to our wounds. Jeremiah 30:17, “I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.” This scripture speaks to God as our primary care provider. He is our soul care provider. To restore is to return something to an earlier or original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc. He will restore us if we let Him. When glass shatters into pieces on the floor, is it not your first instinct to pick it up? You wouldn’t leave the pieces just lying there. The pieces of our hearts shouldn’t be left on the floor either. Unlike some fragile objects, the difference is that you don't throw the broken pieces of your heart into the trash. God made our hearts reparable. Trust your heart in His care.


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