Speak Up

We have a huge problem in our society. The problem starts within the family unit because, as children, we are taught not to tell anyone if there is a problem at home. Don’t tell anyone that you are sick. Don’t tell anyone you feel sad or depressed. We are taught to suppress our emotions and silence our voices. In the worst case scenarios, people have been abused physically, emotionally, mentally, or sexually and bullied since childhood into taking an oath of secrecy to protect the family name or bullied out of fear. Meanwhile, the child who eventually develops into an adult is left to deal with the trauma, suppress it, and relive it by themselves. No child should have to bear such a burden.

Some people have struggled with mental health for years but deny the need for help because of the stigma and shame. They deny they even have a problem. Families even participate in denial until denial is no longer an option. In our previous blog, we talked about the dangers of leaving soul wounds untreated. We discussed how it could lead to soul sepsis. We established that God can heal you, but in addition to that, it is important that you use your voice to pray and also get help. We will always need to look to God as our source for all things. 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you.” However, He has also given us the resource of others. Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ.”

Others can be a trusted pastor, a counselor, a trusted friend, or a trusted family member. Whoever your safe “other” is, speak up. Remember you have a creator who is available to listen 24/7. Speaking up also means praying. There is nothing hidden from God. Lament to him. Pray for guidance. Pray for strength. Pray for courage. Pray for protection. Pray for divine intervention. Pray for help. Help and guidance will often come from those God puts in our lives. Speak up. Do not presume people can read your mind. Speak Up. Do not presume no one will listen. Speak Up. Do not presume people know.

You are not alone. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Whatever your situation, countless others have either experienced or are currently experiencing the same thing. Every human has a thorn in their side for which we must rely on God for. There are people that God has entrusted to support you. Speak up and let them.


Combatting Soul Sepsis